don Oscar Miro-Quesada
As a result of Don Oscar’s apprenticeship in northern coastal huachuma curanderismo and initiation into the southeastern Andean paqokuna shaman/priesthood, he was charged with bringing the traditions and practices of these earth-honoring ceremonies and healing rituals to the Western developed nations of the world. Thus with patience and dedication, don Oscar cultivated and nurtured the worldwide emergence of heartfelt sacred communities through his development of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition.
Don Oscar has been facilitating experiential workshops and apprenticeships that integrate millennial and contemporary healing practices and Earth-honoring ceremonial traditions with a focus on the creation of heartfelt sacred communities around the world since 1979.
Through dedication, example and infinite patience, don Oscar has spend decades and countless hours in sacred earth honoring healing hoops with earnest students of this Great Work. As a result, the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition has birthed teachers from all over the globe who offer ceremonies and apprenticeships in these sacred shamanic arts. The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition: Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal, is a five- part series of intensives in the shamanic arts of restoring harmony, health, and earth stewardship. |
This workshop series aligns the traditional shamanic arts of Peru and the wisdom of its heritage, with the present day needs of this transformational time in planetary and human history. Participants will cultivate a deeper relationship with nature and the unseen world, and receive multiple opportunities for self-exploration, empowerment, and profound personal growth. This apprenticeship series is open to all people who desire to be of service, whether they are long-time mesa carriers or new to the tradition.